*Note On Spraying Bees*
Spraying a Hive of honey bees with conventional wasp spray will kill bees, but the problem is that you must contact the bees with the spray, You might bee able to kill a few hundred or even thousand and that would bee impressive but there is most likely 20 to 40 thousand bees in the hive. Also, the way a hive is constructed restricts the amount of exposure the bees will have to the spray. Now I have seen bees sprayed I don't want to see it again it scared me in a full bee suit walking up to the bee hive. They fly blind and mad looking to kill what ever has attacked their home understandably. Now what damage can it cause to your home yes spraying bees can damage your home. Lets say its been a good year and the bees have stored away 120 pounds of honey that's 10 gallons. You have a hive in the walls of your house you call a exterminator or decide to do it yourself and actually kill all the bees. Well what about the honey left in your walls now you have 10 gallons of honey for small hive beetles ( that's a pest of the honey bee ) to raise their maggot off spring feeding on the bees honey. Also, small hive beetle larva spoil what honey they don't eat making it ooze out of the comb and right threw the sheet rock into your living room. Honey might smell good but I can tell you spoiled honey sure doesn't. With all this trouble to look forward to if you don't get the comb out you are almost sure to get more honey bees next year.
So with this said please have someone that knows what they are doing remove the hive and I don't consider a Pest Control Company to know what they are doing. |